The ASVAB consists of 9 subtests. The subtest scores are converted into 10 composite score areas, known as “line scores”. The line scores determine which jobs you qualify for. Your ASVAB results provide scores for each of the individual subjects tested, as well as three academic composite scores; Verbal, Math, and Academic Ability; and two career exploration composite scores. (Note: The “Overall” ASVAB Score is known as the “AFQT Score,” or “Armed Forces Qualification Test Score” and the Army requires a minimum AFQT Score of 31 to qualify for enlistment. Max is a score of 99).
How important is this test? Your scores in four critical areas — Arithmetic Reasoning, Word Knowledge, Paragraph Comprehension and Mathematics Knowledge (see below) — count towards your Armed Forces Qualifying Test (AFQT) score. The AFQT score determines whether you’re qualified to enlist in the U.S. military. Your scores in the other areas of the ASVAB determine how qualified you are for certain military specialties. Score high, and your chances of getting the specialty/job you want increase.
Total number of items: 200 Test Time: 134 minutes Administrative Time: 46 minutes Total Test Time: 180 minutes. ASVAB results are valid for two years. After taking an initial ASVAB Test (any ASVAB test taken in school doesn’t count as an “initial test”), you can retake the ASVAB after 30 days. After the re-test, you must wait at least six months before they can take the test again. Source |
ASVAB FAQ from How can I prepare for the ASVAB? You don’t have to go through any special preparation to take the ASVAB. Getting a good night’s rest and arriving on time are the two most important steps you can take to prepare. Who gives the ASVAB, and where can I take it? The ASVAB is usually given in schools by test administrators from the Federal Government. Schools determine where and when the ASVAB will be given. See your academic advisor for more information, or if you’re not currently in school, contact your local recruiter. What can I expect on the day of the test? The ASVAB consists of ten short tests to complete during three hours. An ASVAB test administrator will give you instructions and tell you how long you have to complete each test. However, before you begin, you will have a chance to answer some practice questions and ask any questions about taking the test. What kind of questions will I be asked on the ASVAB? The ASVAB tests cover General Science, Arithmetic Reasoning, Word Knowledge, Paragraph Comprehension, Numerical Operations, Coding Speed, Auto and Shop Information, Mathematics Knowledge, Mechanical Comprehension and Electronics Information. How do I find out what my scores mean and how are they used? No one passes or fails the ASVAB. However, to be considered for enlistment in the Army, you need to score at least a 31. Your scores will be provided to you on a report called the ASVAB Student Results Sheet, with additional information to help you understand your score. SSG Blizzard, an Army recruiter who believes in squaring away new soldiers, sent me this link: – It is designed to help you prepare for the ASVAB. The better your score, the more jobs that are available for you to select from! See sample ASVAB test questions or contact your local recruiter for a copy of The ASVAB Workbook. Scoring high on the ASVAB will require study and concentration. Don’t skimp on preparing for this test — read about what you should prepare for, and take this practice test, which gives you an idea of how well you’ll score. It identifies areas that need improvement and suggests resources you can use. Click here to see a table containing Army careers and the required ASVAB line scores. ASVAB Dos and Don’ts