Name: ________________________________________
Board Packet (These copies should be clean and neat in appearance–they will make up your board packet being reviewed for your selection):
___ DA Form 61 (with HT/WT and APFT statement, signed as shown on the web site example)
___ Senior Warrant Officer Letter (Optional for some WOMOS)
___ Company Commander Letter of recommendation (or applicable Company Grade UCMJ authority)
___ Battalion Commander Letter of recommendation (or applicable Field Grade UCMJ authority)
___ Resume (USAREC Form 1935)
___ ERB or equivalent document (used to verify DOB, GT, AFS, and ETS)
___ Evaluations (All NCOERs (up to ten years worth) and all AERs (1059s) in order newest to oldest)
___ College Transcript(s)
___ COPIES of Professional Certificates (Licenses or Certificates issued to Engineers, Mechanics etc…)
___ AFAST Results (153A applicants only)
___ DA Photo Supporting Documents: (These documents are required to qualify your packet, but will not be reviewed by the board)
___ Security clearance verification memorandum (Prepared by S2 or facility security manager)
___ Physical Coversheet USAREC Form 1932 (Aviation – expires after 18 months, all others expire at 24 months. If waiver or exception to policy required, applicant needs to include complete physical. 153A applicants need To include DD 2808 with Stamp from USAAMC, Ft. Rucker)
___ DA Form 160-R (ensure that you sign it and block 9a is checked)
___ Remaining Hard Copy documents from OMPF not included on your ERB (awards, certificates)
___ Re-enlistment documents – if required (ERB does not show 12 months remaining on current contract)
___ Statement of understanding (a copy of this memo is on the web site)
___ Conditional Release – if required (if you are not an active duty Army applicant)
___ English credit document – if required (250N, 251A, 254A, 420A, 920A, 920B, 921A, 922A, 923A)
___ TABE score document – if required (880A, 881A)
___ Body Fat Content Worksheet – if required (If you do not meet height/weight standards set in AR 600-9)
___ Moral waiver request – if required (as identified in blocks 26 on DA Form 61)
___ Age waiver request – if required (max age is 33 for aviators, 46 for all others)
___ Prerequisite waiver request – if required (verify with MOS on web site)
___ AFS waiver request – if required (12 years for all MOS)
___ APFT waiver request – if required (must include Physical Profile and complete Physical with packet)
___ Entire Packet administratively reviewed by any Warrant Officer.
REVIEWER (printed name and title): ________________________ SIGNATURE:_____________________
___ Checklist endorsed by PSB or S-1 NCO (E5 or above) validating soldier is not flagged or barred
NOTE: ONLY deployed personnel may mail their completed application. Electronic submission is preferred:
This section to be completed and authenticated by PSD/MPD personnel or the Battalion S-1/S-1 NCO
I certify that service member is not flagged and is eligible to apply for this program.
CERTIFYING OFFICIAL (printed name and title): _________________________________________________
SIGNATURE: _________________________________________________ DATE: ______________________
DSN PHONE #: _______________________________COMM PHONE #: _____________________________
EMAIL: __________________________________________________________________________________
Applicants must send their packets as a PDF attachment via e-mail or by use of the Digital Sender, (file size restricted to 5mbs or less per transmission) to *Deployed personnel may mail their application however, electronic submission is preferred. *Please, only use one method of delivery and do not split packets between different means unless asked by a recruiter to do so. Check your application status on-line at after allowing 5 – 10 business days for processing. Good luck!